Living in Seattle, coffee is our lifeblood! So, Coffee had to be the theme when I started naming my goats. Five years ago I got my first 2 bottle-fed doelings, and named them Latte (for her coffee color) and Espresso (for her jet-black coat). When I decided to expand my herd from Kinder goats to include Angora's, I brought in a little buck and called him Barista, for he was to start a new line of goats...Kindora's...a cross between kinder and angora...The Master Barista!
Mama "Espresso" scolding her kids-
This combination produced 3 beautiful babies with both cashmere and angora qualities as well as the hardiness of the kinder. The first baby to hit the ground we named Half-and-Half. She was a tiny 2lb pure white doeling, looking just like cream. Shortly after, a 3lb Frappuccino with Whip Cream looking fluff arrived, and thus we named her Frappuccino with Whip (Frap with Whip for short).
The following month, our little boy arrived.
He had the beautiful markings of his mother, Latte, much like the spices of chai tea in cream prior to stirring, thus the name Chai.
-Mama "Latte" cleaning her newborn boy
Valentine, our Dexter Heifer, thinks that these three babies belong to her. When the babies were 3 weeks old they found a way to escape into the pasture, leaving their mamas behind. I feared the worst when I arrived home that day, for the mamas were panickingly calling their "kids". Much to my relief, the 3 little wobbly kids were content playing under their new found nanny's legs.
Prior to this, Valentine (who is named after her birthdate, February 14th) had been a kicker and a child herself...not anymore!
Often I lay down next to Valentine with my arms wrapped around her thick neck in the many people can say they have napped with their cow!
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