Much to my delight, I was awarded "Best Artist in Action" by the judges.
There were many talented fellow artists, but I was informed that I received the recognition for my work because I am involved in the entire process from its raw form...the beautiful mohair locks are from my goat
Barista which I shear and hand-pick his
fleece...the hand-shorn alpaca fleece are from a friends herd...the luxury fiber is received in its natural it's transformation where I choose the color palette, dye to that palette, combine the
fibers and then evolve it into a purse ...scarf...pillow...shawl...jacket...table runner...
They shared that the story they saw was that I grew up in a fairly large city, Bellevue WA, and chose to move to a small town, Duvall WA, with my family so that I could pursue my art which is extremely contemporary yet functional, but uses all the skills from the past (pre industrial revolution) which I sought to learn as an adult and am now teaching my children as well as others.
Mindy, from the production company, promised to keep me informed and to send stills from their filmed interview.
So, perhaps I will continue to migrate from the spawning grounds of the Salmon Days Festival in Issaquah to a television series spanning the entire country.
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